

Literally every single business card I’ve ever been handed since I started purposely keeping them (around 2002)


3 responses to “Business”

  1. Which one stands out the most to you? I’ve been working on making original art biz cards for my yoga/art/writing projects and am always curious why certain cards stand out, or not…

    1. For me, the ones that stand out are the ones where there’s already a connection to the individual. The card itself is almost always less about the design, and more about being able to recall the information after the fact.

      That said, having a face/Gravatar helps, in case I forget a name. Email and twitter are more important than a phone number IMO. Having two printed sides is a nice touch. Keep the card simple and easy to read. Pretty much the same rules you’d apply to a website these days.

  2. I’ve never seen a black business card before. Every time I think of business cards, I think of the scene from American Psycho when the group of men are discussing the colour of theirs.
    I like your photo and I also like puppies, potato chips and a good nap. Do you like warm baths and walks on the beach holding hands? 😉