A mention over on CSS Tricks

Last week sometime, I received a distressing Twitter DM from Chris Coyier (of CSS Tricks fame) – he noticed that the markdown in the CSS Tricks forums started behaving badly, and the shim they put in place seemed to have finally gave way… given way… erm… it stopped working, mostly.

I was on vacation with my wife Keri in Key West at the time, but she was patient and wonderful enough to allow me to – completely guilt free – write a quick plugin to help Chris and his users out. She’s great, FYI.

The problem, was that bbPress has it’s own backtick support for wrapping code in <code> tags, and that was conflicting with Jetpack’s Markdown processing (which is actually pretty cool, and looks to be a direct port of what was on WordPress.com all those years ago.)

Anyways, Chris was kind enough to write some really thoughtful words over on CSS Tricks (and share my latest WordPress experiment Plugins Loaded) and since I am suddenly a content marketer, I’m sharing Chris’s post here:

Plugins Loaded