Category: Fun

  • Better Google Translate Beatbox



    pv, zk pv.  pv pv pv zk pv. pzk, zk pv. pv zk pv zk pv. bsch psk pv pv xz bsch pv. pvzpvzpvzpvz, Or go directly to Google Translate and click “Listen” to check out what the heck that means. If there wasn’t a limitation on the length of text it speaks back, I could…

  • Miami Zoo

    Jess and I took yesterday off and spent some time at Zoo Miami, formerly known as the Miami Metro Zoo. It was really hot and we made the mistake of walking the entire thing instead of paying the $2 for the train or renting of these crazy two-seater bicycles. I love zoos. Penguins and giraffes…

  • Tropical Winds Beach Blankets



    Every once in a while you come across an idea so incredibly genius that you think to yourself “crap, why didn’t I think of that!” This, is definitely one of those products…