Category: Software

  • The importance of a desk

    A year ago this August, my girlfriend and I moved into our second place together. At our first place, I purchased us two very plain white tables from IKEA that we used as our L shaped shared office, and it worked out pretty well since we both use laptops as our primary machines and they…

  • TortoiseSVN and Windows 7, and how I made them play nice

    I’ve been pulling my hair out for weeks with TortoiseSVN ever since I updated to Windows 7, and boy has it been a giant pain in the ass. Sometimes updates and check-outs worked, sometimes not. Sometimes I could commit, sometimes not. Sometimes the icons appeared, sometimes not. I’ve tried reinstalling TortoiseSVN, I’ve tried registry hacks,…

  • XDebug, NetBeans, WAMP Apache Crash Solution

    I just upgraded to a Vista 64 laptop with the current version of WAMP(2.0), and here is what I put in my php.ini to use XDebug and make the Apache crashing stop. Basically, I went back to using the 2.0.0 version of XDebug, and things seem to have stopped crashing. I am using NetBeans as…