Author: JJJ

  • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9



    Today is my birthday, and I am now 45 years old. My birthday has never felt like a reason to celebrate and this year is not any different. All of the things I love are either obliterated, broken, or dying. All of the hobbies I used to enjoy have been taken over by hostiles and…

  • Self Hosted

    It’s taken about-a-million tiny steps, but as of this moment (2 May, 2024 07:42 UTC-6) this WordPress blog ( and a bunch of other blogs for friends & family are all calling from inside the house running on a cluster of Raspberry Pi 4’s in a server rack in my basement. Why did I do…

  • J3’s 3V’s

    Value. Validation. Victory. Writing & releasing strong, resilient, fault-tolerant, production-quality software (for the entire world to use) – with dynamic teams of contributors over many months & years – is all about banking trust, typically through an unlimited number of positive interactions. Trust is really important (in teams) to quickly unjam people who are stuck…

  • Persistent Touch ID for sudo on macOS

    Did you know you can activate Touch ID (or some other biometric) support to authenticate sudo commands on your command line, in a way that survives operating system updates? All you need to do is copy & modify a single file: And it should look like this when you are done: The way I see…

  • Netbeans crashing on macOS

    For the past few years & months, Netbeans (now version 20) has been really struggling to keep up with the type of work that I most frequently use it for (helping to maintain & improve WordPress and a few hundred plugins here or there) and it has really been a bummer because no matter how…

  • Silence Ubuntu Pro security update nag

    If you see this: In short, it is telling you that the Ubuntu Core team has: If your Ubuntu machines are critical infrastructure for you, you should consider signing up for Ubuntu Pro. If not, I think that makes it the perfect type of package update to “divert”: File diversions are a way of forcing…

  • Basic HomeKit troubleshooting


    in ,

    In general… weird things happen to Apple devices when the network services they depend on (to quickly communicate between each other on your network) are disabled, out-of-date, or in any kind of corrupt or malformed state (which it almost always is). You want to sign in to your routers Admin GUI, and look for the…

  • Prevent empty new-line with Starship prompt

    From this GitHub issue: Enter this to modify Starship’s configuration: starship config Put this near the very top: # Tuck “new line” inside the ($all) variable format = “””($all )$character””” # No new line between shell prompts add_newline = false # No line-break between shell prompts [line_break] disabled = true This works because anything…