Tag: Raspberry Pi

  • Self Hosted

    It’s taken about-a-million tiny steps, but as of this moment (2 May, 2024 07:42 UTC-6) this WordPress blog (jjj.blog) and a bunch of other blogs for friends & family are all calling from inside the house running on a cluster of Raspberry Pi 4’s in a server rack in my basement. Why did I do…

  • Raspberry Pi 4, Ubuntu 20.04, PoE Hat Fan Control

    I recently acquired an 8Gb Raspberry Pi 4 and promptly installed Ubuntu 20.04 on it to see how it worked. Right away, I was excited that the PoE Hat worked and that it booted without any problems, except that the fan on the Hat was no longer controllable the way that it used to be.…

  • macOS Disk Utility “Operation cancelled”

    When trying to use Disk Utility to make a backup of one of my Raspberry Pi’s, I was repeatedly seeing an error that was causing my backup to fail. Operation cancelled Disk Utility Not particularly helpful. For me, the fix involved setting the Disk Utility application to have Full Disk Access inside macOS System Preferences,…

  • Raspberry Pi PoE Hat Fan Control



    I noticed yesterday that the fans on the PoE Hat of my Raspberry Pi 4’s were behaving strangely. They were both kicking on based more on time than temperature, even though neither of them seemed that hot. You can check the temperature via the command line like this: /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp And you’ll get something like:…