Category: Home

  • Self Hosted

    It’s taken about-a-million tiny steps, but as of this moment (2 May, 2024 07:42 UTC-6) this WordPress blog ( and a bunch of other blogs for friends & family are all calling from inside the house running on a cluster of Raspberry Pi 4’s in a server rack in my basement. Why did I do…

  • Basic HomeKit troubleshooting


    in ,

    In general… weird things happen to Apple devices when the network services they depend on (to quickly communicate between each other on your network) are disabled, out-of-date, or in any kind of corrupt or malformed state (which it almost always is). You want to sign in to your routers Admin GUI, and look for the…

  • Raspberry Pi PoE Hat Fan Control



    I noticed yesterday that the fans on the PoE Hat of my Raspberry Pi 4’s were behaving strangely. They were both kicking on based more on time than temperature, even though neither of them seemed that hot. You can check the temperature via the command line like this: /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp And you’ll get something like:…

  • Unifi Network – Fixing WPA Authentication Timeout/Failure

    Does this look familiar? If you’re like me, then you probably searched the web for a clue, maybe found some threads in the Community Forums, but ultimately left feeling pretty uneducated about what it number means and anything you should do about it. Good news! This number being high isn’t going to negatively impact…

  • Get snap.jpeg from UniFi Protect Cameras

    How to get the correct username & password for a UniFi camera that has already been adopted by UniFi Protect: Get into Protect UI Select NVR you’d like to use On left bottom corner click the Settings gear Click Advanced On the right side, you’ll see Device password, click REVEAL Copy the password Connect to…

  • Hue Bridge PoE



    I was running out of outlets in the UPS in my 6RU rack, and found myself wondering if it were possible to convert a Hue Bridge to be powered over ethernet rather than the big white wall-wort. Turns out, Amazon made this really simple. First, buy this PoE converter, and switch it to 5V. Next,…

  • Install Homebridge UI on Raspberry Pi (3 or 4 preferred)

    This is for a fresh install of Homebridge UI with auto-start on reboot or error. If you are trying to convert an existing install, this step-by-step will not work for you, and you’ll need to modify it to suit your needs. Edit your Homebridge config to enable standalone mode:sudo nano /var/homebridge/config.json…and paste this into it.…

  • Install Homebridge on Raspberry Pi (3 or 4 preferred)

    This is for a fresh install of Homebridge with auto-start on reboot or error. If you are trying to convert an existing install, this step-by-step will not work for you, and you’ll need to modify it to suit your needs. Create the Default Settings file:sudo nano /etc/default/homebridge…and paste this into it. Create the executable service:sudo nano…

  • A Lady Stole Our Goats



    At 4:33am this morning, a lady passed our house, slammed on her brakes, threw her car in reverse, threw her hazards on, parked facing oncoming traffic, on a state highway, to steal 2 steel goats we had on our front lawn.