Category: WordPress

  • Self Hosted

    It’s taken about-a-million tiny steps, but as of this moment (2 May, 2024 07:42 UTC-6) this WordPress blog ( and a bunch of other blogs for friends & family are all calling from inside the house running on a cluster of Raspberry Pi 4’s in a server rack in my basement. Why did I do…

  • PHP is not recommended

    The latest version of macOS makes it pretty clear how Apple feels about open web technologies that aren’t JavaScript:

  • Coauthoring a WordPress Plugin Development Book

    I’m very excited to announce that I’m coauthoring the 2nd edition of Professional WordPress Plugin Development, one of the highest rated WordPress development books ever released!

  • Easy PHP Upgrade

    I had a few servers that needed upgrading from PHP7.2 to 7.3, so I wrote this little single-line command to help simply things. It uses apt list to get the PHP modules that are currently installed with 7.2, and passes them through to apt install for 7.3. This can easily be modified for any PHP…

  • Heidenberg

    Today I released (on GitHub) a simple version of a simple WordPress plugin to cryptographically sign your posts. It works by splitting your post content up into words and stenographically inserting zero-width characters between them. Together, those characters combine into a hidden pattern that is unique to your website and that post. If someone copies…

  • Wordpress

    In case (ha!) you hadn’t heard, spelling WordPress correctly (with a capital P) is a big deal in WordPress land. You see, there are a lot of folks in the world claiming to be “WordPress Experts” without knowing how to correctly spell WordPress. I mean… if they get this wrong, what else will they get…

  • Variable SSL certificate directives in nginx (part 2)

    Feeling encouraged by my friend Jeremy Felt’s blog post on the subject, I thought I may finally be able to achieve the panacea of WordPress Multi-Network SSL configurations:

  • WordPress 5.0 Beta 1

    I’m writing this post using the new block-based editor that comes packaged with the first WordPress 5.0 beta, known previously and externally as Gutenberg. For just general writing, so far it ain’t so bad, but one thing that bugs me straight away is that the auto-save causes the UI in the upper right corner to…

  • CaboPress 2017

    We’re all pretty brilliant folks (especially you, since you’re reading this) and convincing us we could be more-brilliant about stuff isn’t always easy, especially anything that deals with our businesses, relationships, or visions for either or both. We need evidence. We need proof that if we’re going to change up our strategies or approaches with our…