Category: Life

  • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9



    Today is my birthday, and I am now 45 years old. My birthday has never felt like a reason to celebrate and this year is not any different. All of the things I love are either obliterated, broken, or dying. All of the hobbies I used to enjoy have been taken over by hostiles and…

  • CaboPress 2017

    We’re all pretty brilliant folks (especially you, since you’re reading this) and convincing us we could be more-brilliant about stuff isn’t always easy, especially anything that deals with our businesses, relationships, or visions for either or both. We need evidence. We need proof that if we’re going to change up our strategies or approaches with our…

  • Where’s my sanity?

    Yesterday, the wonderful Doc Pop drew up a cartoon for Torque that made the rounds and got some attention from a few pals and ex-colleagues that work on the Jetpack plugin for WordPress. Torque Toons: Where’s my Jetpack? For some reason, this comic bothered me. Well, not the actual comic itself, but my reaction to…

  • Good and Evil


    in ,

    This past Friday, my car got hit by a motorcycle. There’s a story there, but this post isn’t about that. Rather, it’s about people’s perception of the rider. He must have been speeding. He must not have been paying attention. He must not know how to ride. None of this is actually true, though. He…

  • Everything is a Variable

    Everything is a Variable



    I like to say, that the job of a software engineer is to define variables, and honestly I don’t think it’s really much more than this. Everything in life starts off simple, and can end up as complex as you choose for it to be. This process is traditionally called “architecting” and at one point…

  • Emotions

    TL;DR – I have them, I can control them, but my dog can’t. When I was a boy, maybe 3 or 4 years old, I remember my parents had a retired greyhound named Taffy. She was pretty old, and shy, and I could tell she really loved me even though all I wanted to do…

  • Defining Success



    As a wee lad growing up in the 80’s, “success” was pretty clear: Watch TV Play video games Listen to whatever music my parents do Eat more sugar Become an astronaut Pretend to be sick to avoid school Avoid gross girls What the heck is the internet? As a teenage man in the 90’s, “success” got a little…

  • Distributed

    In 2010 I took a job with the fine folks at Automattic. Having been contributing to WordPress, BuddyPress, and bbPress since 2007, working with the biggest company in the WordPress ecosystem seemed like the next logical step in my career. If you somehow haven’t heard of them, they’re a great company with open-source in it’s heart and…