Category: Opinion

  • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9



    Today is my birthday, and I am now 45 years old. My birthday has never felt like a reason to celebrate and this year is not any different. All of the things I love are either obliterated, broken, or dying. All of the hobbies I used to enjoy have been taken over by hostiles and…

  • J3’s 3V’s

    Value. Validation. Victory. Writing & releasing strong, resilient, fault-tolerant, production-quality software (for the entire world to use) – with dynamic teams of contributors over many months & years – is all about banking trust, typically through an unlimited number of positive interactions. Trust is really important (in teams) to quickly unjam people who are stuck…

  • Facebook Remembers

    Social networks and social media are weird. I'm deleting my Facebook account, but I'm not just deactivating it – I'm going post by post, comment by comment, through my entire 10 year history and deleting each agonizing thing one at a time. It's insane. I'm insane. And Facebook knew I was insane way before I…

  • CaboPress 2017

    We’re all pretty brilliant folks (especially you, since you’re reading this) and convincing us we could be more-brilliant about stuff isn’t always easy, especially anything that deals with our businesses, relationships, or visions for either or both. We need evidence. We need proof that if we’re going to change up our strategies or approaches with our…

  • Where’s my sanity?

    Yesterday, the wonderful Doc Pop drew up a cartoon for Torque that made the rounds and got some attention from a few pals and ex-colleagues that work on the Jetpack plugin for WordPress. Torque Toons: Where’s my Jetpack? For some reason, this comic bothered me. Well, not the actual comic itself, but my reaction to…

  • The thing about snow…



    It just snowed here in southeastern Wisconsin; like there’s a winter storm warning and there’s probably 13 inches of the stuff everywhere. I haven’t put the winter tires on the BRZ yet, because there hasn’t been any indication or need until there is now, an immediate need – and it’s too late to do it…

  • On staying Indie

    WordPress, to me, is an independent publishing platform. It grants me the right to complete & total autonomy when it’s desireable, but also allows me to group up with others when that makes sense too. An article from The New York Times puts into a nice perspective why I think WordPress is really important to the future of the…

  • Afraid to Click



    Users of the Internet in the United States are starting to experience what millions of others in many other nations have dealt with since the widespread deployment of the world-wide web: Fear. As the web evolves, an increasing amount of control is being exercised, or at least recognized as an opportunity that maybe wasn’t really achievable…

  • Apple Trackpad Issues, Explained

    I’ve experienced (and deeply investigated) the same exact trackpad issues on my 2012 retina MacBook Pro that people are now reporting in 2016, and Im going to share my experience with y’all. Here’s how you replicate this issue on ANY retina Mac since 2012: Put the cursor on any side of the screen Remember where…