Category: Opinion

  • I don’t know why you say goodbye, I say hello

    There’s no other way to say it; August 1st is my last day working at Automattic. To my ex-Automatticians, thank you so much for the hospitality. You’re a great bunch, and I’m excited about what’s in the pipeline. It’s been an excellent almost-3 years, and it will only continue getting better. To everyone else… don’t…

  • Bath Time

    [wpvideo YBgYolLX]

  • Uncle Jesse



    There comes a point in every adult man’s life where he has to ask himself: “Am I Uncle Jesse, or am I Boss Hogg?”

  • Remembering Jennifer



    Yesterday, Christmas Eve morning, Jennifer was shot multiple times and found dead at the scene. As I unpreparedly rerun each increasingly fuzzy memory I have of her, I feel joy in remembering someone special I hadn’t considered in a while — and I pity the miserable person who was convinced that taking her life was…

  • Paul’s 3rd Year



    My little furry man is 3 years old. In his third year, he learned to dance, wait, roll-over, shake with both hands, and is starting to heel when walking on a leash. [wpvideo W0CVjCpT] It’s really important to me that he have the best little puppy life I’m able to provide him. In the next…

  • PHP5 Visibility and WordPress

    tl;dr – PSA about PHP5 visibility and it having the potential to change what we love about WordPress. Ergo: use it correctly. —- Leading projects like BuddyPress and bbPress, I tend to work closely with the WordPress team and mirror the development paradigms as much as it makes sense to. We’re doing tandem development, after all —…

  • How I’ve changed in 10 years.



    I pulled into the McDonald’s drive-through tonight because I felt I earned a prize for a great week of work, and for getting a bunch of chores done I’ve been building up to for a while. Of course, as I pull up to order, a police car also pulls up immediately behind me. 23 year…

  • World Wide WordPress 5k – #wwwp5k


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    This past Sunday, Paul and I took part in Automattic’s second annual wwwp5k. We walked all around the east side of Providence for a total of 4.7 miles. Paul met a bunch of new puppy friends, the weather cooperated, and we had a lot of fun!

  • Confessions of an Open Source Workaholic

    Hi, my name is John, and I’m an Open Source Software workaholic. I touched on it a bit in my WPCandy interview, and I thought I’d finish the story here with a few added thoughts. I live in a great neighborhood on the east side of Providence, RI. I work from home, rarely drive my car (ignore the…