Category: WordPress

  • WordCamp Chicago 2016

    This weekend I’ll be driving down to WordCamp Chicago in my BRZ. It’s about 2 hours total from home to hotel, and I could use a playlist for the drive there and back. I’ll be in Chicago chatting about the differences between BuddyPress and bbPress, and I’ll probably talk a bit about Prince, too. I’m…

  • global__r – errors in logs

    If you’re using WordPress Multisite in a highly scalable environment using HyperDB or LudicrousDB, you may have seen global__r errors in your logs. Can’t select global__r… yada yada yada The “global” part of “global__r” comes from these database drop-ins defaulting to a “global” dataset if nothing is found or explicitly passed in. The “__r”…

  • Mother Nature's Toolbox Must Be Heavy

    Running npm install for WordPress is a terrifying experience. It installs so many libraries and dependencies, it would take a lifetime to learn them all. If you’ve never had the pleasure, here’s what it looks like today: WordPress@4.5.0 /Users/johnjamesjacoby/Work/VVV/www/wordpress-develop ├─┬ autoprefixer@6.1.2 │ ├── browserslist@1.0.1 │ ├── caniuse-db@1.0.30000384 │ ├── num2fraction@1.2.2 │ ├─┬ postcss@5.0.14 │ │…

  • The NSA's Guidelines for Implementation of REST

    Direct Link and Mirrored Here, from March 25, 2011: The key point to remember is that in order to ensure that an operation / implementation is RESTful, these methods must be used as they were defined in RFC 2616, the HTTP 1.1 specification. If implementations abuse these methods, they not only depart from RESTful behavior, but also jeopardize…

  • Chosen & Pretty Filters

    In the past month I’ve released two WordPress plugins that I think ended up complementing each other rather nicely: WP Chosen WP Pretty Filters Together they make filtering posts in WordPress a much nicer experience: If you’re a plugin author that’s bundling the Chosen library or doing something interesting with post filters, I hope you’ll consider…

  • Meet Stuttter

    Stuttter, like WordPress on the surface, is both product and organization. Spiritually it is a conduit for rethinking WordPress from the outside in. It’s a way to independently test the waters for what we can do with it, without deviating from it’s history, beauty, charm, and chutzpah. For me, it’s an empty canvas for code, and a…

  • LoopConf

    I’m going to say, with emphasis, what I think everyone is probably thinking… LoopConf is what you wish most WordCamps were Here’s my gist: Live streaming quality was excellent, because a professional crew was on-tap to handle all of it The logistical planning of the entire conference felt very smooth – almost invisible, really Vendor tables…

  • WordPress is a Conduit

    WordPress is a Conduit

    When people talk about WordPress, they call it various things: Blogging software A content management system An application framework In the past, I’ve gone on the record and called it something even bigger, but none of these descriptions truly accurately describe what WordPress actually is, at least to an ever-increasing number of people. WordPress, the software,…

  • "I’m too busy"

    TL;DR – If you ping me directly for help with something, you will probably get it. BuddyPress & bbPress recently switched from IRC to Slack for real time synchronous communication. Philosophically, I prefer the openness of IRC, but I do appreciate how convenient Slack is for everyone, and it’s anecdotally a more inviting and active…

  • January thoughts, BuddyPress 2.2

    With each new software release that I’m fortunate enough to contribute to, I usually take some time (or lots of time) to reflect on a few different things that I think are critical to the project and myself: What went right? What went wrong? What did I learn? What can I do better? With BuddyPress…