Month: November 2016

  • Super Mario Bros. 3 (Wrong Warp)



    This super-educational video explains how ROM & RAM can be live-hacked to trick a Nintendo into executing arbitrary code to produce unintended results. Some days helping keep 27% of the web secure seems pretty complicated, but the types of game-breaking glitches in this video would be insanely difficult to track down on the open-web.

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    I don’t know why, but it had never occurred to me until just now that Bjorn from Abba may have a twin who is also a sloth.

  • My first post to

    No auto-embed yet, but because I don’t really see the point, I’m sure it’s gonna be uuuge.

  • Apple Trackpad Issues, Explained

    I’ve experienced (and deeply investigated) the same exact trackpad issues on my 2012 retina MacBook Pro that people are now reporting in 2016, and Im going to share my experience with y’all. Here’s how you replicate this issue on ANY retina Mac since 2012: Put the cursor on any side of the screen Remember where…

  • Siri vs. Akismet

    On Facebook, my old pal Josh mentioned how terrible Siri is, and it reminded me of a comparison I frequently make to my tech-informed friends: Akismet is actually my benchmark for services like this – the promise of “getting better with age” isn’t one you can just make & walk away from, and Akismet had…

  • An update to WP User Avatars



    The latest version of my WP User Avatars plugin saw an update this morning. If you need avatars for your registered users, please check it out and let me know what you think!

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    If you buy a rubbish car, what you are saying is: “I have no interest in cars.” If you have no interest in cars, you have no interest in driving. And if you have no interest in something, it means you are no good at it, which means you must have your driver’s license taken…

  • On being a .blog founder



    I was recently asked to give few words on the fancy new .blog top-level domain for use in some future marketing material. Here’s the snippet in full, in case it’s modified to better fit their needs: Using a .blog domain is the most important thing you can do to upgrade your blog. It clearly communicates what the primary purpose…